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React Embedding

After the installation of the npm package as outlined in the related documentation, add the widget to your React app:

import {SwapWidget} from "@nabla-studio/outpost-widget-react";
// ...

theme = {
// Theme configuration

from = {
// Default "from" token

to = {
// Default "to" token

onAssetsChange = {
// Function to be called when the asset changes

osmosisConfigs = {
// Osmosis chain configurations

sourceConfigs = {
// Outpost chain configurations

endpointOptions = {
// Cosmos-kit endpoint options configuration

assetsListBaseUrl = {
// Base url for the specific outpost assets list

osmosisAssetsListBaseUrl = {
// Base url for the osmosis assets list

coingeckoBaseUrl = {
// Base url for the coingecko services
