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Widget Installation

Since it is exported as a React component, you can embed the widget of your Osmosis outpost as a component on NextJS and other classic react apps.

NOTE: The widget was realized using React 18. We strongly encourage you to use this version of React to embed the widget.

To do this, you need to execute the following steps:

1. Install the peer dependencies

npm i @cosmos-kit/react @cosmos-kit/core osmojs @keplr-wallet/stores chain-registry cosmjs-types @cosmjs/stargate

2. Install the widget

Install the widget package:

npm i @nabla-studio/outpost-widget-react

3. Embed the widget

The embedding process differs on whether you want to embed the widget directly on a NextJS or a React application:

NOTE: To get an example of a dApp embedding the widget, please give a look to our Frontend Platform Interface documentation.