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Osmosis IDE Setup

Recommended IDE setup for developing on Osmosis in Go.

Install Go and VSCode

First, install VSCode:

Then, install Go:

Clone Osmosis and Cosmos SDK

To set up your local environment for Osmosis, clone the Osmosis repo:

git clone

The next step is not necessary, but it is extremely useful to have as a reference. For

Clone the Cosmos SDK repo:

git clone

Now launch VSCode and open the Osmosis folder through File -> Open

Finally, add the Cosmos SDK to your workspace by selecting it in File -> Add Folder to Workspace

Both Osmosis and the Cosmos SDK should now show up on the same VSCode page!

Add Relevant VSCode Extensions

These are the VSCode extensions that are in daily use by the teams working on Osmosis, you can feel free to mix and match, but these are what is in common use.

  1. Go by Google
  2. VSCode Proto 3 by zxh404
  3. Git Lens by GitKraken
  4. Github Copilot

Vscode configuration

To make your environment run tests automatically every time you save"

Go to: VSCode -> Preferences -> settings -> Extensions -> Go

  • Set Go: Lint tool to golint. You can use staticcheck if you'd like, it can just take lots of computational resources.
    • If you'd like to use the same configuration as osmosis code, use golangci-lint .
    • You will likely be prompted to install the linter you choose, click the install button.
  • Set Go: Format tool to gofumpt
    • You will likely be prompted to install the formatter you choose, click the install button.
  • Check Go: Test on Save

At this point, your environment should be ready to go!


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