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CosmosKit Documentation

CosmosKit is a wallet adapter for developers to build apps that quickly and easily interact with Cosmos blockchains and wallets. It provides a set of hooks and components to help you integrate Cosmos functionality into your application.

Getting Started

To get started with CosmosKit, follow the How to use CosmosKit guide.


Here are some examples of CosmosKit hooks in action:


CosmosKit provides several hooks to help you interact with the Cosmos ecosystem:


CosmosKit consists of several packages:

  • @cosmos-kit/core: Core package of CosmosKit, including types, utils, and base classes.
  • @cosmos-kit/react: A wallet adapter for React with mobile WalletConnect support for the Cosmos ecosystem.
  • @cosmos-kit/example: An example Next.js project integrating @cosmos-kit/react wallet adapter.

Wallet Developers

If you're a wallet developer and want to integrate new wallets into CosmosKit, follow the How to integrate new wallets into CosmosKit guide.

Additional Resources

Please refer to the CosmosKit documentation for more information and detailed guides.